- Don't alter or modify these images in ANY way without my permission
Don't remove the image link back here. I work hard, even if it doesn't seem so, to maintain the wellness of the site. The least you can do is keep it to linking here so others can explore! :3

- Don't claim credit for the image. I work hard on these and you are not authorized to claim the credit.
Do feel free to use these as website mascots, forum signatures, etc as long as you don't alter the code to stop it from linking back to Blueberry Bubble Pop.

-The wolves grow. Sometimes birds will grow. ^_^

If your wolf has "XA" on it at the 2nd stage, it means "Xenoactive" [I made up, lol. xD] They will never grow up! "CC" means "Custom creation." :3

If you are having any sort of troubles, please contact me at

Have no place to put these creatures? Let them into our forum! Free to sign up. You can come chat, too! ^_^